Thursday, June 29, 2017

June 29, 2017 at 10:10PM ...and then there were eyes everywhere... 👀 . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #beingsmallisgreat #momblogger #eyes #uniteinmotherhood #childhoodunplugged #magicofchildhood #motherhoodunplugged #oops

June 29, 2017 at 03:17PM The simple joys of having your feet wet on a hot sunny day. :) . . . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #simplejoys #waterplay #sgkids #momtogs #motherhood #exploretocreate #letthembelittle #candidchildhood #childhoodunplugged #magicofchildhood

Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017 at 10:43AM Little T never be afraid to explore and ride on the shoulders of giants. No matter how small you may feel at times. Sometimes being small allows you to see things that giants will never be able to see. Always be brave and have faith in what you do. 😊 . . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #sgkids #momblogger #sgexplore #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #giants #beingsmallisgreat #exploretocreate #bebravebeyou

Saturday, June 24, 2017

June 24, 2017 at 04:20PM #throwback to our time in HK. What makes a kid more excited than seeing toys? Not one but two cats!! 😂😂 . . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #teresetravels #catlover #catsofinstagram #hkcat #toyshop

Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017 at 10:03PM Little T couldn't believe there were such HUGE cats in Hong Kong!! 😱😱😂 . . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #teresetravels #totorocat #catbus #sgkids #catsofinstagram #catlover

June 19, 2017 at 09:58PM Little T was so excited to be finally going on holiday. And of all the trips, it's the first time she's actually aware of going on a plane (after seeing all those planes fly past at home). She was so amazed to see them up close. 😊 . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #teresetravels #planewatching #airport

Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 2017 at 08:33AM Little T getting serious and busy because Uncle Mac leaves too much fur for mummy to vacuum up so little elf to the rescue! . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #mummyslittlehelper #littleelf #startingthemyoung #candidchildhood #magicofchildhood #lintroller #cleanup #furbegone #sgkids #busybee

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 13, 2017 at 07:09PM It's really interesting how children, when growing up, enter into a stage where they just want to help and be helpful. Like how Little T waned to help me blow my tea cold so I could drink it more comfortably. Really hope this stage never passes, even if wanting to help actually causes more work for me, I just love how sweet and helpful she is. It's like how they say the process is more important than the outcome, no? 😊 . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #candidchildhood #magicofchildhood #startingthemyoung #mummysgirl #mummyslittlehelper #motherhood #hottea

June 13, 2017 at 08:04AM Can you guess what is Little T's most favourite aisle in the supermarket? 😆 . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #supermarket #magicofchildhood #candidchildhood #startingthemyoung #shoppingfun #petlover

Friday, June 9, 2017

June 09, 2017 at 11:32PM Happiness is... . . ...spending time with your bestest pal. 😆 . . . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #bff #babyandcat #sgcats #catsofinstagram #candidchildhood #magicofchildhood #allsmiles

June 09, 2017 at 07:05AM | n e v e r - t o o - y o u n g | First test piece done in 30mins! Now time to add in more designs and techniques to teach the Seniors! And these senior-friendly weaving looms are also baby-friendly! Never too young to pick up a new skill! 😂 . . . #yarninghearts #weaving #nevertooyoung #testpiece

June 09, 2017 at 06:43AM Stayed home to work on some prep for the senior workshops for the Silver Arts Festival. Little T saw what I was doing and wanted to work on one of her own. So here is us, working diligently on our weaving pieces. 😂😂 Love how deep in concentration she is. #nevertooyoungtostart . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #weaving #childhoodunplugged #growingupsofast #motherhoodunplugged #sgmummy #sgweaving #workingmom #crafttime #startingthemyoung #candidchildhood #weaversofinstagram

Saturday, June 3, 2017

June 03, 2017 at 07:19AM It's amazing how fast children grow up. These three were once tiny little things in our arms. Now they are bigger little things walking and running around, but acting and looking like they are much bigger big things. 😂😂😂 . . . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #bnw #monochrome #friendship #letthembelittle #candidchildhood #motherhoodunplugged #growingupsofast #childhoodunplugged #sgmummy #sgphotographer #ngs

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 01, 2017 at 07:05AM Honored to have been featured in the @trehauscowork Member Spotlight for the month! . . It's been quite a journey for Little T and I and to have to juggle caring for her and setting up my businesses, I could have done so without Trehaus and it's wonderful team of dedicated and passionate individuals. Thank you! ❤ . . . @motherkao @karynsuwito @nindyahadinoto @rachbabezpic . . . #chroniclesofterese #sgbaby #sgbabies #igbabies #instababies #momswithcameras #sg #sgig #sgkids #instasg #momlife #vsco #sgvsco #vscosg #mompreneur #workingmom #wemadeitthisfar #mummysgirl #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sgmummy #featured #sgphotographer