Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11, 2019 at 06:38PM This is my favourite exhibit at @ilightsingapore this year. Watching it made me feel so at ease and the whole experience was rather therapeutic. I would have otherwise have missed this exhibit if we hadn’t braved up those stairs. 😂 so glad we did. ♥️ ———————— Reflecting Holons showcases the ephemeral magic of light and movement. Long strips of oil-like transparent foils combined with a microcontroller become a visual entity reflecting lights around them as if they were water droplets. This indoor installation fills a whole space with dancing reflections on the floor and the walls. Blowing bubbles brings a smile to the young and old, a universal joy that cuts across generations and gives a certain connectivity. It is an artwork which is multicultural and an experience that brings technology and wonder together. It is a bridge in time and a bridge through cultures.

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